Sunday, April 29, 2012

Maniac for GOLDEN stuff...

well, since when I am obsessed with golden things, such as rings, bracelets, etc, especially when they mix with black, which turns out to be GOLDEN BLACK..baroque elegance..Almost all of my friends know that I'm a "golden" mania…my watch, my rings, my bracelets, shoes, bags…OMG…crazy

I met this cute girl in a dinner, we have a friend in common..mais attends…j'ai craque pour ses baques tout de suite!! (I fell in love with her rings right away)….rings, bracelet, nail polish, all together, just perfect..shining yet natural…

I admit that I am a bad photographer…I can't change the light with simply a iphone…

better?…actually not…well anyway..Cartier girl…

we had a good time…girl's night out in humid Paris…
It rained twice in Paris this week, the first time has rained for 3 days, the second 4 days…

Bon Week-end

in Paris


  1. Replies
    1. non non,..c'est pas a moi… toutes les photos dans ce post appartiennent une copine a moi.. XDD (comme j'avais écrit "I met this cute girl in a dinner")
